Sotterley Chapel Preservation Trust

The Trust was formed when the Chapel was under threat of demolition. We are a group of like-minded people from surrounding Parishes, as well as from Sotterley. All of us want to see Sotterley Chapel preserved and used. Our commitment is being encouraged and supported by the Parish Council and local Clergy. We have formed a Trust - the Sotterley Chapel Preservation Trust (Patron: Geoffrey Munn of Antiques Roadshow) that will support the Chapel in perpetuity.

Work completed includes the original cross which stands proudly on the new leading and fresh tiling of the completely restored roof. The stone buttresses are also being replaced where needed. We were active in time save to furniture and the pews but too late to prevent the loss of the clay pamment floor. The provision of some 1500 tiles and the laying of the floor on the original sand surface was the largest building task, and is now complete.

Help and Support

If you would like to join our group and can support us with either practical help or as a Friend, please contact us via our Secretary:

Mrs Doreen Fisher
1 Waterloo Road, Sotterley, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 7UA
01502 575416

Membership subscription is £5.00 per year.